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The Rev. Mary Ann Huston

I am delighted to be part of the Grace community, serving as Locum Tenens during our time of transition. Locum Tenens is a fancy name for a “placeholder.” Having served as the Associate Rector at Grace for the past six years, I am glad to be able to offer continuity, and to continue to foster community as Grace welcomes newcomers, grows, learns and worships together. The Holy Spirit continues to move through Grace, inspiring and empowering us to do the good work God has called us to do.


A common thread throughout my life has been an interest in peoples' stories. I studied Anthropology in college, worked as an archaeologist between college and graduate school, and later worked at an historical society in Kansas and the State Historic Preservation Office in Iowa. Part of what I enjoy most about ministry is hearing the stories of people's lives and how God is working in them. 

I have served in God's church for much of my life. I grew up in Fort Worth, where I sang in the children's choir and was an active member of our youth group. As an adult, I served in our church in East Tennessee. I answered my call to ministry while our two children were small by first becoming an EfM student and mentor for twelve years, a Sunday School teacher, and a pastoral care coordinator. 


I got additional training in chaplaincy at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. When we moved back to Texas for Michael's work, I was able to finally attend seminary. I served as a hospital chaplain at South Austin Medical Center during and after my studies at the Seminary of the Southwest. I also served in an interim capacity at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, as their Adult Formation Coordinator. 


​My husband, Michael, and I have been married for 39 years. We have two adult children who are creatively making their ways in the world. Ann, her husband, Landis, and their son, Soren, have the privilege of living and working in National Parks. Landis is a Law Enforcement Ranger, while Ann works part time for the park and cares for Soren. Thomas and his wife, Eleanor, live in Chicago. Thomas works for the Art Institute, while Eleanor works for a firm specializing in fundraising for non-profits. They are expecting their first child in January. Michael retired from Texas State University, where he taught biology for 13 years. If you are interested in nature, ecology, biodiversity, or the Big Bend area, Michael is a good person to talk with! 

The Rev. Anne Matthews


The Very Rev. Kevin Martin

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The Rev. Sue Ross


A parish for all of Georgetown, living the spirit of Christ in word, deed and thought.


Main Campus

1314 E University Ave

Georgetown, TX 78626


West Campus

4402 DB Wood Rd  Ste 150

Georgetown, TX 78628



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